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Discursive Reality in St. Augustine's Confessions (Part 1)
Discursive Reality in St. Augustine's Confessions (Part 2)
Reading Augustine's Confessions
Monica Cure: Augustine's Confessions and the Problem of Autobiography [Torrey Context Lecture]
Augustine, Confessions | Ponticianus' Story and Self Examination | Philosophy Core Concepts
HC, #57, Augustine's Confessions, B
The Idea of Beauty Series: Philosophers on Beauty, Part 1: Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine
The Bible and Western Culture - Joyce: From Religion to Art
Foucault and Antiquity (UC Berkeley, November 12, 2021)
Human Soul & Evil: Peter Hacker
Rick Roderick on Nietzsche and the Death of God [full length]
Re-thinking the Teachings and Epistemology of St. Augustine